The Morning Pages

I’ve always considered writing journals a cathartic release, especially during trying times. I started in grade school writing down my thoughts mostly on crushes, homework, teachers, and other mundane things a typical grade-schooler experiences.

As an adult, though, I find it even more necessary that I keep a journal. I usually jot down handwritten entries in a random notebook or two, or save some entries on my laptop using a word processor. I even downloaded a journal app on my phone. The downside though is that these methods make me feel quite disorganized and with the phone app, I have to use the keypad which makes it utterly frustrating especially when I’ve got a thousand thoughts flowing, but my thumbs just can’t keep up.

Just recently, I came across a website called which was inspired by the morning pages ritual from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. When I learned that the site kept all entries private and even offered metadata analytics, I immediately signed up for it.


Screenshot taken from metadata stats

The idea is pretty simple. Get rid of all the white noise in your head by writing them all down first thing when you wake up. Like a pensieve if you must. (Sorry about all the Harry Potter references here and in the rest of my blog entries. I can’t help myself.) Theoretically, this then frees up your mind to give way to more creative thought processes. My initial intention for signing up was to keep a journal, but after having tried it for a few days, I noticed how the exercise seemed to afford me more clarity and perspective. As soon as I got rid of all the fluff in my mind, I felt lighter and more focused. On the site, I get to write down all thoughts that come to mind without any regard for grammar, punctuation, spelling, or even logic. I just type away without any fear of being judged.

So, perhaps, when you find yourself in a rut, whether it be a writer’s block or just good old decision-making anxiety, you’ll find this tool useful. I think there are other similar sites out there and you’d probably find it worth your while to explore. It doesn’t matter where you do it, the important thing is that you give it a try and see if it indeed helps you one way or another.

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